Frequently Asked Questions

learn more about counseling and hypnotherapy




Diana can help you deal with your emotional eating triggers while also dealing with the underlying emotional issues that drive the triggers.

Here are some common reasons why people do emotional eating:

  • stress, anxiety
  • boredom
  • low self-esteem
  • adult victim of abuse
  • childhood victim of abuse, neglect
  • feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness
  • never feeling good enough
  • old patterns and habits from childhood
  • guilt
  • grief, loss
  • or other negative emotions that have been hanging around for too long


Even people who don’t have emotional eating issues can still need help getting motivated to make healthier habits

Do you have problems with any of these issues?

  • portion control
  • too many helpings of food
  • too much dessert, treats, etc.
  • cravings for sugar or salt
  • diabetic and not following your food plan
  • addicted to soda pop or other sweet drinks, or caffeine
  • snacking during the day or before bed
  • you have one “bad” meal and then you say “to heck with it” for the whole day, or the whole week?
  • you don’t have any motivation to cook
  • you don’t want to eat your veggies
  • you want to eat better but don’t know how to get started?
  • feeling overwhelmed by the idea of “eating healthy”
  • afraid of feeling or being deprived
  • the bag of chips or cookies have control over your mind and body
  • the donuts at the gas station have their own magnetic pull on you

Call Diana today so that she can help you kick these problems and get on track with your healthy eating habits!


Diana will help you:

  • understand how this process works
  • set up realistic goals for your own progress
  • deal with stress and develop healthy coping skills
  • how to gain control over your choices
  • how to feel better and not feel demoralized
  • understand how sugar affects your mind and body
  • deal with being watched by everyone around you who are waiting to see if you are successful this time
  • create family leadership that empowers your loved ones to also be healthier
  • become confident about your ability to maintain your healthy lifestyle



Question: How does it work?

Diana has been working with people for years helping them to understand how the mind and body work, and the role of emotions in our daily choices and habits.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnotherapy are combined to help you take what you KNOW you want to do and then actually MAKE it happen.

Diana will teach you how to get started with making healthy habits and getting rid of old, unhealthy ones.

She will help you get emotional distance from unpleasant memories, events, and pain from the past so that you can move forward with confidence.

Question: Will I have to be weighed or count calories?

No, you are not weighed or made to count calories. You will learn to become motivated to eat better, and create goal-oriented plans that help you to take positive, achievable steps toward your own personal definition of success.

Question: What is Diana’s success rate?

This is about your success rate, not Diana’s. You enjoy a quality, comprehensive program, and have support tools to keep good things happening between sessions.

You learn to make healthy lifestyle improvements. Hypnotherapy helps activate that process. It allows you to actually feel and experience the very changes you want to see happen from within. Lots of clients have lost 30 to 100 pounds using hypnotherapy!

The best part is that it is a true learning process, and you learn to trust yourself to maintain your healthy lifestyle.


Audio Support

Everyone has access to audio files that they can use to stay reinforced between sessions of hypnotherapy. There are a variety of free meditation, motivation, and hypnotherapy audio files available to download. So easy to use! Even if you only have 5 minutes a day, you can easily use these files at home, at the office on a break.
two women outside exercising

Focus on Wellness

A healthy lifestyle is for everyone, of all ages. Now is the right time to start taking control of your eating habits, get moving more, and have more energy. It feels great when you are happy with your choices and bouncing back from the challenges of life.

Be a Leader for Your Family and Friends

Be an empowered example for your family, friends, children, coworkers, employees, and everyone around you. You will love how you feel as you learn to take control over your health habits. Be the change that you want to see in your life. Start today!
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